Ayuntamiento de Coaña
(Coaña Town Council)

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January 23, 2025

Illustrious People

In the past, some important people of the Spanish culture came from Coaña:

Diego de la Vega
Professor at  the University of Salamanca and Councillor of Orders.

Lucas de Trelles
President of the former Chancellery of Granada and Councillor of Finance.

Lope de Vega Trelles
Public Prosecutor and judge of the former Chancellery of Granada.

Benito Trelles Coaña y Villamil
Marquis of Torralba, judge of Sicily and Naples, regent of the Council of Italy and the Supreme Court and Cámara de Castilla, he was honoured in the Campaigns of John of Austria in Naples.

More recently:

Eva Canel
Eva Canel was the pen name of Agar Eva Infanzón Canel, born in Coaña in 1857 and exiled to America with her husband, the jounalist Eloy Perillán y Buxó. She became well known and cultivated all the literary genres and died in Havana in 1932.

Fernando Jardón
Captain of the merchant navy, he was born in Viavélez and lived in Ortiguera. He founded the city of Jardón in La Pampa, Argentina.

Fernando Jardón
He was the son of the previous one, consul of Argentina in Spain and dear friend of General Primo de Rivera.

Bernardo Acevedo Huelves
Resident in El Espin, he wrote several chapters about Navia and Coaña included in the book “Asturias” by the historians Bellmunt and Canella.

Benito Castro García
He came from Cartavio, he was deputy, president of the County Council of Oviedo, undersecretary of the Governorship and governor of Málaga.

Julián Díaz de Valdepares
He was also from Cartavio, auditor of the Tribunal of the Sacred Roman Rota.

Segundo García de Sierra y Méndez
He was born in Mohías, he was archbishop of Burgos.

Isidro G. Méndez
Writer and journalist.

José María Jardón Torroba
He was awarded the Gran Cruz de Beneficencia for his acts of charity.

Rubén Fernández Núñez
Resident in Ortiguera, he was the author of the book of poems "Cáliz sin vino".

Gonzalo Anes y Álvarez de Castrillón
He was born in Trelles, professor of Economic History at University of Madrid and member of the Real Academia de la Historia (Royal Academy of History). Coaña’s Favourite son.

Rafael Anes y Álvarez de Castrillón
He was born in Trelles, professor of History and Economic Institutions at University of Oviedo and Coaña’s favourite son.

The Weather

Fundación Parque Histórico del Navia

Ayuntamiento de Coaña
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, s/n
33795 Coaña (Asturias)
Phones: (+34) 985 47 35 35 - (+34) 985 63 08 01
Fax: (+34) 985 63 04 68
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