Ayuntamiento de Coaña
(Coaña Town Council)

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January 23, 2025


The council of Coaña comprises six parishes: Cartavio, Mohías, Folgueras, Coaña, Villacondide and Trelles. Apart from those, Coaña shares with the council of El Franco the parish of Lebredo.


COAÑA, capital of the coucil, is located in the central area of the council. This parish comprises the villages of: S. Esteban, Las Cruces, Nadou, Villar de Coaña, Coaña, Valentín, Carbón, Ceregedo, Sarriou, Las Mestas y La Sella.


Located to the north of the parish of Coaña, is made up of the villages of Folgueras, Ansilán, Meiro, Jarrio, Abredo, El Espín, Barqueiros, La Esferita and Torce.



The parish of Villacondide is located in the central-southern area of the council and is made up of the villages of Villacondide, El Estilleiro, La Ronda, Villardá, Teixedo, Tarrebarre, Sabariz, Porto and Busnovo.



This parish is located on the north-eastern edge of the council. It is made up of the villages of Mohías, Ortiguera, Medal, Vega de Pindolas, Astás, Fojos and Reguera.



The parish of Cartavio is located on the north-western edge of the council of Coaña. It is made up of the villages of Cartavio, Jonte, El Esteler, Silvarronda, Loza, Lugarnuevo, Villalocay and S. Cristóbal.



Trelles is the parish located to the south of the council. It is made up of the villages of Trelles, Vivedro, Sequeiro, Orbaelle, Bustabernego, Villar and Pumarín.


It belongs to the parish of Arancedo although a part of it is located in the council of Coaña and another part is situated in the council of El Franco.


The Weather

Fundación Parque Histórico del Navia

Ayuntamiento de Coaña
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, s/n
33795 Coaña (Asturias)
Phones: (+34) 985 47 35 35 - (+34) 985 63 08 01
Fax: (+34) 985 63 04 68
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