Ayuntamiento de Coaña
(Coaña Town Council)

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January 23, 2025



Beans with clamsThe dishes we can taste in Coaña are very varied, as it is near the sea and the mountains. Typical of the seaside are fishes like sea breams, hakes, sea bass,... and shellfish from the rough Cantabrian Sea. From inland, we can taste meats like Asturian beef, game, village chicken or “pitu de calleya” (in Asturian dialect).

These products can combine perfectly well so we will be able to taste them together in a single dish: fabas con almejas (beans with clams), empanada de berberechos (cockle pie), fabas con jabalí (beans with wild boar), merluza con patatinas (hake with small potatoes)........

When dessert time comes, creamed rice, venera (typical cake from Navia made of almonds, sugar and eggs), frixuelos (finely made pancakes), requesón (sweetened fresh cheese served with honey) or the typical Abredo cheese with apple preserve will close with a perfect finale an exceptional meal in Coaña.

Abredo cheese, very well-known in western Asturias, is homemade in the dairy located in the village of Abredo. It is elaborated with 100% cow milk and it has already won several prizes.

Gastronomic Fairs in Coaña:

During all the weekends of November, a gastronomic fair takes place in all the restaurants of Coaña, where you can taste all these local produces.

Unload here the Gastronomic Fairs leaflet 

The Weather

Fundación Parque Histórico del Navia

Ayuntamiento de Coaña
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, s/n
33795 Coaña (Asturias)
Phones: (+34) 985 47 35 35 - (+34) 985 63 08 01
Fax: (+34) 985 63 04 68
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